The experiences of the Multifan Intelligent Fan Drive: "I did not expect this level of energy saving"

Over the past two years, practical trials were performed on Hans Verhoeven's pig farm. In addition to farming pigs (300 sows, 1,400 fattening pigs), Hans is also the initiator of the Sustainable Pork Chain. One of their objectives is to create an energy-neutral pig farm.

Multifan Tube Fan Pigs 2 P

"Saving energy at our farm not only yields environmental benefits, but also earns us money, every day.

"Saving energy at our farm not only yields environmental benefits, but also earns us money, every day. It was a matter of course for us to participate in a trial with the Intelligent Fan Drive, because energy savings of 60% were expected," said Hans Verhoeven prior to the trial.

"The existing fans, controlled by a triac controller, were replaced by Multifan fans controlled by the Intelligent Fan Drive. Hans Verhoeven on the results: "Our expectations were exceeded: MORE than 80% energy savings! I can say with conviction: it works and it continues to work."

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